We will be leading several projects while we are here in Isiolo. Solar Cooking, Cooking in a Basket, Water Retention, Tree Planting and Spiritual Teaching.
1) Solar Cooking - Pray for Leah as she works towards designing the most effective and least expensive solar cooker from the materials available in Isiolo. Isiolo has a lot of sun, but also has a fierce wind that blows constantly and is creating significant challenges in developing the design for the solar cooker.
2) Water Retention - This is an area that we have read about and gotten some sage advice from several friends, but it is the first time we have developed a Water Rentention Project or taught the principles. Pray that we will understand the best ways to help people understand how they can improve the Soil Water Content of the areas where they live.
3) Tree Planting - Pray that the people will understand the importance of planting trees to replace the ones that they are cutting down to make charcoal. They are selling the charcoal to support their families. They truly have no other means to do so at this time. Please pray that the other projects we are doing will decrease the amount of charcoal they need to make, by reducing their expenses and improving their crop productions.
4) Spiritual Teaching - Pray for God's guidance in showing us what areas of teaching these Christians need.